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Lakeside Beach & Park

Lakeside Beach, Port Huron, photo by T. Shaw
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Amenities and bath house provided. Memorial day weekend to Labor Day, Daily: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
2 pavilions
Volleyball court
Parking lot
ADA-accessible Mobi-mat
Picnic tables
Splash pad:
Daily, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Concession Stand
The park features an ADA beach access mat to the water and a beach wheelchair. Questions regarding the ADA beach wheelchair, call 810-984-9709
Single-use pass:
Parking fee is charged each time a vehicle enters the park. Reentry is not available with a single-use beach parking pass. All day passes are not available.
City of Port Huron residents: FREE
Fort Gratiot and Port Huron Twp resident: FREE
St. Clair County resident: $5
Out of St. Clair County resident: $30
2 pavilions
Volleyball court
Parking lot
ADA-accessible Mobi-mat
Picnic tables
Splash pad:
Daily, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Concession Stand
The park features an ADA beach access mat to the water and a beach wheelchair. Questions regarding the ADA beach wheelchair, call 810-984-9709
Single-use pass:
Parking fee is charged each time a vehicle enters the park. Reentry is not available with a single-use beach parking pass. All day passes are not available.
City of Port Huron residents: FREE
Fort Gratiot and Port Huron Twp resident: FREE
St. Clair County resident: $5
Out of St. Clair County resident: $30
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