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Algonac Riverfront Park

Regions: Clay / Algonac
(810) 794-3281
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Riverfront Park – a five-acre park, which extends for a length of four blocks along the St. Clair River.
The site includes a boardwalk along the shoreline, a gazebo/performance platform, benches, and a boat launch. The visitor center, which was completed in 2000, is located adjacent to the boat launch area.
This facility is also utilized by the Chamber of Commerce on a part time basis. Also located within the park is the local historical museum.
The site includes a boardwalk along the shoreline, a gazebo/performance platform, benches, and a boat launch. The visitor center, which was completed in 2000, is located adjacent to the boat launch area.
This facility is also utilized by the Chamber of Commerce on a part time basis. Also located within the park is the local historical museum.
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