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Tree Hugger Hike

Saturday, February 11, 2023
10:00 am - 12:00 pm (Expired)
Columbus County Park
1670 Bauman Rd.
Columbus, MI 48063 (810) 989-6317
Cost: FREE
Contact & More Info
Contact: Kirsten Lyons
Email: klyons@stclaircounty.org
Phone: (810) 989-6317
Do you love trees, too? Bring your friends and family for a hike in the woods! Join the St. Clair County Parks naturalist to explore the rustic and rolling Columbus County Park. Learn to identify trees and plants in winter and how to care for them this time of year. Discover tales trees tell about the landscape, the threats they face, and what you can do to help protect trees and forests. • Meet in front of the Lodge at 10 a.m. Gather around the outdoor fire pit after the hike or browse the indoor exhibits in the Lodge.
This event provides two recertification credits for pesticide applicators in Core, 2, 3B, or 6 and two hours of education for Extension Master Gardeners.
All are welcome at this free and family-friendly event. For more information or to register, contact Kirsten Lyons, klyons@stclaircounty.org, (810) 989-6317.

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