Arcadia April 19-21
609 Huron Ave.
Port Huron, MI 48060
Contact: Enter Stage Right
Phone: (810) 334-6415
Fridays and Saturdays at 7:00 pm
Sundays at 3:00 pm
by Tom Stoppard;
Director: Kelli Rademacher;
Drama: April 5-21
Description: Arcadia moves back and forth between 1809 and the present at the elegant estate owned by the Coverly family. The 1809 scenes reveal a household in transition. As the Arcadian landscape is being transformed into picturesque Gothic gardens, complete with a hermitage, thirteen year-old Lady Thomasina and her tutor delve into intellectual and romantic issues. Present day scenes depict the Coverly descendants and two competing scholars who are researching a possible scandal at the estate in 1809 involving Lord Byron. This brilliant play moves smoothly between the centuries and explores the nature of truth and time, the difference between classical and romantic temperaments, and the disruptive influence of sex on our life orbits- the attraction Newton left out.
As a smaller black box theatre, it helps us to know how many seats we need before the house opens so we reward you for purchasing ahead of time!
PRE-PURCHASE: $15/adult, $10/child
AT THE DOOR: $20/adult, $15/child